(nine) wells drilled in this field are vertical and only 2(two) well are
deviated type. The wells are spread at 9 (nine) different locations stretched
over about 14 km distance. In January 2013, average 225.53 million cubic feet
of gas is produced daily from 8 wells out of 11 wells of this field processing
through 6 glycol dehydration plants and supplied to the transmission pipe line
of TGTDCL, GTCL and Jalalabad Gas Transmission & Distribution System Ltd.
(JGTDSL). Present average condensate/gas ratio and water/gas ratio of this
field are 0.049 and 0.197 bbl/million cubic feet respectively. Gas production
from well no. 8 and 9 was suspended due to excessive water and sand production.
Condensate of this field is processed by the fractionation plant of Titas gas
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